Rurouni Kenshin, a manga that ran from 1994-1999 in Japan and was later released in the U.S., is getting the live action treatment this year. The film is set for an August 25th release in Japan and is loosely based on real survivors of the Meiji Era Civil War in Japan that ended the Shogan rule and opened Japan to Western influences.
As a fan of the series, I have to admit the trailer looks good and the casting seems spot on. The Anime News Network had posted an article last year covering some of the finer points of the new movie's production and has a great gallery of still images from the film.
That trailer does look good! The best part is that they gave the hair/clothing colors a natural look rather than an overly vibrant, almost neon look. That alone shows some real respect for the show. Hope we get a sub/dub.